Tomball supports Tomball. Let's keep what we can in Tomball. Billy pledges to fight to get contracts for Tomball ISD locals. When families are well supported, children tend to do better in school. Instead of awarding contracts outside of the district, let's utilize our talent within our district.
Keeping things local means keeping graduation in Tomball. Not only does keeping graduation local at the stadium make it easier on families to be in attendance to celebrate, it brings money into the local economy that many of our students and families are employed in. By traveling outside of the district, we open the doors to travel safety issues and flooding another area’s economy before and after graduation at local restaurants and shops.
I have seen that weather is a concern to many, however we can start graduation later in the evening like our football games (7/7:30) and have contingency plans for the following morning (8am) in case of inclement weather. By keeping it later in the day, parents aren’t needing to take the entire day off of work to attend graduation. The average temperature in May is 88°. This gives us ample opportunities to utilze our new stadium.
Teachers are the backbone of our district. Without our teacher's support and hard work, Tomball ISD would not be the fantastic district it is. Billy wants to get behind the teachers and make sure they have what they need to continue to be successful. Whether through programs to help support classroom supplies or initiatives to help achieve bonuses, Billy commits to working with the teachers.
Parents matter! The board is made of only 7 members; the parents who elect these positions deserve to have their voices heard in Board Meetings easily. Billy wants to encourage families to come and give their opinions and speak what's on their minds.
As of 10/18/2022, we noticed that the district has removed all Board Meeting Minutes/Agendas from 2012-2019. However, I have a copy of all the minutes and will make them so that the public has access to it as well.
Using his entrepreneurial background, Billy wants to review the budget with great detail, ensuring that the budget doesn't just approve without understanding each line item. He knows that every dollar counts and will fight to ensure that the dollars spent not only make sense for the district but also defend the budget from governing bodies with agendas that don't line up with Tomball's family values community.
School security is a strong point for Billy. He wants to be ahead of the issue before any issues ever arise to keep our students, teachers, and staff safe. To stay at the forefront of this, Billy wants to provide proper training for teachers who wish to be armed, maintain routine audits on all security systems, provide more Police Officers on-site at all times, and be on the constant lookout for new security measures to keep everyone safe.
It is critical to keep the tax rate where it is, if not lower. Double checking the budget items to ensure that articles on there are relevant and necessary will help keep this a priority. Instead of adding to the total budget, Billy wants to make sure that money can be re-allocated before making changes. Billy knows that taxpayer dollars are essential and will not fold to the pressures of increasing the tax rate.
Fresh ideas always allow for growth in a community. Billy believes that term limits are vital to a community for new inspiration and to ensure that those on the board are keeping the community in mind.